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world map

Painting Animals Mural

Painting Animals Mural



All School Cleaning Day

All School Cleaning Day

Profile of Mzuzu Schools

Makeshift ClassroomThis blog is long, LONG overdue. Back in April I started visiting local primary (grades 1-8) and secondary (grades 9-12) schools, planning for the distribution of books coming from World Care in Tucson. We were expecting the container to ship out from the World Care warehouses at the end of May, which would have it arriving in Malawi 3-6 months later. Just last Friday, October 20th , we received the container in Mzuzu and unloaded 30,000 lbs of books into an empty classroom at Mzuzu University where they will be stored during distribution. This literally doubles, even quadruples in some cases, the number of books at these schools. It’s very exciting to be a part of this effort.

St. Peter's Private Secondary School

St. Peter's Private Secondary School

Zolozolo Standard Classroom

Zolozolo Standard Classroom



Teaching Aid Mural at Zolozolo Primary School in Mzuzu.
